
Teaching and Learning: Quality, 资源, and Support


The institution provides high quality education, wherever and however its offerings are delivered.


3.A. The institution’s degree programs are appropriate to higher education.

  1. Courses and programs are current and require levels of performance by students appropriate to the degree or certificate awarded.
  2. The institution articulates and differentiates learning goals for its under研究生, 研究生, 学士学位阶段后的, 研究生, 以及证书课程.
  3. The institution’s program quality and learning goals are consistent across all modes of delivery and all locations (on the main campus, 在其他地点, 远程配送, 作为双重信用, through 合同 or consortial arrangements, 或任何其他形式).

3.B. The institution demonstrates that the exercise of intellectual inquiry and the acquisition, 应用程序, and integration of broad learning and skills are integral to its educational programs.

  1. The general education program is appropriate to the mission, 教育产品, 以及学校的学位等级.
  2. 该机构阐明了其宗旨, content, and intended learning outcomes of its under研究生 general education requirements. The program of general education is grounded in a philosophy or framework developed by the institution or adopted from an established framework. It imparts broad knowledge and intellectual concepts to students and develops skills and attitudes that the institution believes every college-educated person should possess.
  3. Every degree program offered by the institution engages students in collecting, 分析, and communicating information; in mastering modes of inquiry or 创造性的工作; and in developing skills adaptable to changing environments.
  4. The education offered by the institution recognizes the human and cultural diversity of the world in which students live and work.
  5. The faculty and students contribute to scholarship, 创造性的工作, and the discovery of knowledge to the extent appropriate to their programs and the institution’s mission.

3.C. The institution has the faculty and staff needed for effective, 高质量的课程和学生服务.

  1. The institution has sufficient numbers and continuity of faculty members to carry out both the classroom and the non-classroom roles of faculty, including oversight of the curriculum and expectations for student performance; establishment of academic credentials for instructional staff; involvement in assessment of student learning.
  2. 所有教员都有适当的资格, 包括双学分课程, 合同, 以及合作项目.
  3. Instructors are evaluated regularly in accordance with established institutional policies and procedures.
  4. The institution has processes and resources for assuring that instructors are current in their disciplines and adept in their teaching roles; it supports their professional development.
  5. 教师可以为学生查询.
  6. Staff members providing student support services, 比如辅导, 财政援助建议, 学术顾问, 还有课外活动, 有适当的资格, 训练有素的, and supported in their professional development.

3.D. The institution provides support for student learning and effective teaching.

  1. The institution provides student support services suited to the needs of its student populations.
  2. The institution provides for learning support and preparatory instruction to address the academic needs of its students. It has a process for directing entering students to courses and programs for which the students are adequately prepared.
  3. The institution provides 学术顾问 suited to its programs and the needs of its students.
  4. The institution provides to students and instructors the infrastructure and resources necessary to support effective teaching and learning (technological infrastructure, 科学实验室, 库, 表现空间, 临床实习地点, 博物馆的收藏, as appropriate to the institution’s offerings).
  5. The institution provides to students guidance in the effective use of research and information resources.

3.E. The institution fulfills the claims it makes for an enriched educational environment.

  1. Co-curricular programs are suited to the institution’s mission and contribute to the educational experience of its students.
  2. The institution demonstrates any claims it makes about contributions to its students’ educational experience by virtue of aspects of its mission, 比如研究, 社区参与, 服务学习, 宗教或精神目的, 经济发展.