
Policies related to the Office of Distance Education:

Policies related to the Office of Distance Education as approved by the Academic Council:


We are using the Help Desk Ticketing System to process the most common requests as they relate to Distance Education 和 the use of D2L. Please do not hesitate to email us at (电子邮件保护) 如果有任何问题. Below are the type of requests 和 instructions on how to create a ticket for each:

Course shells automatically stay open 5 days after the end date of the course as scheduled in Banner. 例如, if the course end date in Banner is December 14, the D2L course shell will stay open until December 19. If you want to have your course extended beyond its scheduled start or end date in D2L, please submit a Help Desk Ticket to request the change. We can extend the course offering for up to two weeks on either start or end date.

请注意: Due to Federal Financial Aid Guidelines, we 不能 extend beyond 2 weeks.


Instructors now have the ability to update their own start date of their course shells by up to a week: Instructor Course Start Date Change Guide (PDF)

When teaching the same course from term to term it is easiest to use the course materials from the prior term.  The Office of Distance Education would be happy to assist you in cleanly copying your course from a prior term into the shell of the upcoming term.

请注意: Course copy will erase any materials already copied into your new course shell. 


If you need course shells merged, please submit a Help Desk ticket. Merging courses is a way to combine two or more similar sections of a course. 当您合并课程时, all class lists will be combined 和 there will only be one grade book. 一旦课程合并,它们就会 不能 被取消合并. Make sure you are the primary instructor requesting the merge. If you are requesting sections with multiple instructors, all the instructors 和 the Department Head need to be copied in the ticket for approval prior to completion of the request.


分组课程 (CWS) combines two or more sections of courses delivered in the same modality into one D2L course shell that maintains student privacy by restricting the D2L classlist so students see only the users enrolled in their section.

查看我们的 课程分组指南(PDF); CWS流程图(PDF) 和 CWS Benefits 和 Considerations (PDF) to see if this option suits your courses.

The Office of Distance Education assists the enrollment of co-instructors only after obtaining the permission of the primary instructor 和 the department head.  申请联合教官注册, please submit a Help Desk Ticket if you are the primary instructor of the course or the department head. Either way, the other person should be copied on the request.

联合教员报名申请 (PDF)

Students who receive an “Incomplete” grade can be given an incomplete role in D2L for continued access to a course shell beyond the official end date. The student will have access to the original course shell where they received the incomplete in. If you have more than one course, please submit a separate ticket for each course. 请求不完整的学生访问, please submit a Help Desk Ticket if you are the primary instructor of the course or the department head.
