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Napa Valley winemaking legend Warren Winiarski invests in Colorado wine and grape industry through a grant to CMU/WCCC Viticulture and Enology program

Warren Winiarski is a man who tends to see the world as a place of unfulfilled future potential, and his ability to turn potential into reality is reflected in the many accomplishments of his life. Before his world-renowned success in the wine business, Winiarski pursued a career in academia first through his studies at St. 在安纳波利斯的约翰学院, 马里兰, and later as a Lecturer of Liberal 艺术 at the University of Chicago. The call of California’s young and exciting wine renaissance eventually lured Winiarski away from scholarly pursuits, 但是他的学术训练, combined with this ability to see abstract potential where others did not, helped guide him on the road to the events that secured California’s reputation in the world of wine.

现在, Winiarski’s vision will benefit the Colorado wine industry and students at Western Colorado Community College and pp电子极速糖果 through a $150,从Winiarski家族基金会获得了10,000美元的资助, the charitable foundation established by Winiarski and his wife, 芭芭拉. The grant will benefit the WCCC Viticulture and Enology program. Fiftythousand dollars of the gift is offered in the form of a matching fund challenge to other donors who share Winiarski’s vision of wine in Colorado. Once fully matched, the total support will amount to $200,000.

Winiarski’s track record in recognizing potential is solid. 有了这笔拨款, the college and the industry are receiving backing from the man who saw a prune orchard and believed that the land would be better suited to vines capable of producing world-class Cabernet Sauvignon wines. 当时, most viticulture experts believed that the prune orchard’s locale was too cool to ripen Cabernet grapes. But in 1976, Winiarski proved the skeptics wrong at the now infamous Judgment of Paris blind tasting. Winiarski’s 1973 Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon swept some of France’s most prestigious first growth Cabernet Sauvignon wines and put California on a quality par in the world of wine.

Warren Winiarski's vision for the new institute includes a focus on research and mentoring students

Winiarski sees a bright future for Colorado’s young wine business. The Winiarski Family Foundation’s grant will assist the industry in fulfilling its potential through an endowed scholarship, as well as academic and infrastructure support to WCCC’s Viticulture and Enology program — the first and only program of its type in Colorado. 这份礼物也确立了沃伦·维尼亚斯基的地位, 杰拉德·万西葡萄栽培与酿酒研究所, whose name recognizes and honors Gerald Ivancie’s early contributions to the state’s wine industry. The institute aims to advance the Colorado wine industry through applied research projects to help deal with Colorado’s special growing conditions with the goal of advancing Colorado wines from vine to glass. These efforts will eventually benefit all the industry’s diverse constituencies, 包括种植者, 生产商, 贸易与消费者.

Jenne Baldwin-Eaton, WCCC的葡萄栽培和酿酒项目主任, is enthusiastic about what the funding will do for the program and for the state’s wine industry.

“Mr. Winiarski has set an example of what can be achieved through collaboration, 清晰的愿景, 勤奋和坚韧. As he said at the VinCO event, ‘All ships rise with the rising tide.’ It’s a reminder that working together will bring benefits to all of us in the Colorado wine industry,鲍德温-伊顿说.

It is fitting that the Viticulture and Enology program and the new institute established through Winiarski’s generosity is located in Grand Junction, 哪一个与Palisade相邻. The area has long enjoyed a worldwide reputation for its peaches, 但多年来,种植者开始种植葡萄, and Palisade is now equally well known as one of Colorado’s premier wine growing regions. The Grand Valley is the venue for Colorado Mountain Wine Festival, 科罗拉多葡萄酒年度最大的庆典. 现在, the institute will reside in the same community, but its mission is to serve the entire state.

Winiarski对研究所的长期愿景, 除了研究, 也是对年轻人的指导吗.

His own story is one of mentors aiding his knowledge about growing grapes and making wine. The many articles written about his life reveal a person who is reverent about the people who helped him, and he believes that supporting CMU and WCCC will provide the means for future mentorships.

He also sees the value in locating the institute within an institution of higher learning. 作为一名前学者, he knows that the transfer of knowledge is the mission of universities and colleges, 因此, 能否成为未来成就的催化剂.

“像奥巴马这样的世界知名人物的支持. Winiarski doesn't happen every day and I congratulate the instructors, students and graduates of our program for earning his belief in our program and community,CMU校长蒂姆·福斯特说. “The family’s financial generosity will help us significantly, but Mr. 维尼亚斯基的名声对我们的帮助是不可估量的.”

为50美元捐款,为华伦·温尼亚斯基举办的1万美元配对基金计划, 杰拉德·万西葡萄栽培与酿酒研究所, 请访问 SupportingCMU.org/give-now 或联系Rick Adleman (电子邮件保护).



作者:David Ludlam